Cavovarus Feet

Cavovarus Feet

Cavovarus Feet

Cavovarus feet describes a foot with a high arch that curves inward. This is problematic because a high arch is less efficient at absorbing shock and results in a person being a “heavy walker.”

When the arch is poorly absorbing shock, force increases on the heel and ball and extends up to the ankles, knees, hips and back. Patients experience pain and develop calluses due to uneven weight bearing. They can also experience sprains and even stress fractures. This condition often affects both feet and is frequently progressive.

A cavovarus foot that develops over time can indicate a neurological problem. However, the condition is more commonly a result of Charcot-Marie Tooth disease, a hereditary disorder in which the conduction speed of nerves slow over time. This causes weakness in the muscles of the hands and feet. For cases of mild cavus deformity an orthotic may be used. However, surgical treatment is often required to realign the foot.

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